Customer Service
For immediate assistance, please dial 888-865-4090 and ask to speak with a Customer Service Representative. Here’s what you can expect:
Our mission
Customer service is a top priority of Hudson’s. All customers will be treated promptly and respectfully without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, language proficiency, social or economic status. This applies to all customers inside our storefront, calling over a phone, or being assisted through our website.
- Staff members are responsible for providing the best customer service possible and are empowered to make decisions that will ensure the best experience for each customer while balancing the needs of the individual with the overall needs of customers.
- When answering the phone, a library employee will identify him or her self and the department in which (s)he works. All staff will wear a Hudson’s shirt so that customers can recognize them as Hudson’s employees. When answering the phone, all staff will identify themselves as a Hudson employee along with their position title.
- Staff will assist customers on a first come, first served basis to the extent possible without infringing on the service needs of other customers.
- Staff members will enable successful Hudson’s use by assisting customers with the Hudson’s resources and equipment.
- In cases where the Hudson’s resources are not sufficient to meet customer demand, staff will offer the customer the ability to special order from one of our distributors. If our distributors are out of stock, the customer service representative will refer customers to other firearm’s stores with more appropriate collections. Whenever possible staff will contact the agency to which a customer is being referred to insure that the information, goods or services needed is available.
- A customer with complaints about the service received or about Hudson’s policy shall be referred to the senior staff on duty at the time or to the Hudson’s director. The business cards of senior staff and the Hudson’s director are available at the front service desks or by emailing